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38 states and growing

We care about what you have to say and we want to know if we can help. We also understand that sometimes, people are afraid to report things – this is a safe place for you to do so. If you report something on this hotline, you may do so with or without your name below. It’s up to you. Once you submit your thoughts, it will come to the innovateHR team who will report it to your employer, but you do not have to share your name with us, unless you choose to do so. You may report anything you like, good or bad, for any reason, big or small. Your happiness is our #1 priority and if you aren’t happy at work, we want to know so we can do something about it. Again, your confidentiality is important to us, so if you don’t want to give us your name, you don’t have to.

Innovatehr employee hotline

As a reminder, our office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:30-5pm EST. All calls and emails will be returned during normal business hours. IF you have contacted us during non-business hours, we will return your emails and calls as promptly as possible the following business day. Thank you!

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What is your number one asset? People

You Make Decisions. We Make Them Work.