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‘Tis the season….no, not the holiday season, the flu season. Almost 4.1 million employees missed work due to various illness, including the flu, last January. As we all know, having even one employee out of work due to illness can be costly to any organization, so below are some helpful tips to help minimize the spread of the flu: • Encourage regular hand washing, especially traditional 20 seconds under running water; • Make hand sanitizers, facial tissues and no-touch trash cans available in break areas, bathrooms and other common areas such as conference rooms and lobbies; • Make disinfectants available for those who have to share equipment and for telephones, computers or other accessories and in common work areas; • Educate employees about common transmission areas in restaurants, public areas, conference facilities and fitness centers; • Limit in-person meetings if possible, consider conference calls and webinars when appropriate; • Utilize and enforce your “Absence Due to Illness” policy to ensure that sick employees stay home and do not infect others!
Here is to keeping well in 2014!