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Paula fulghum min

Paula fulghum

Chief Innovator

What I Love About Working Here:

I love our company culture and feel incredibly lucky and honored to lead such an incredible tribe. We work hard and play even harder, we laugh, we cry and there’s true passion for every person here on this team. I am unbelievably lucky to live this entrepreneurial dream, while also getting to be part of something that is truly special.

My Favorite Client Moment:

Every client for me is a new thrill, a new challenge and a new adventure.

My Favorite Moment:

My favorite moment was a new client who was having trouble with employee turnover and retention of their workforce and they came to me asking for help. We spent time understanding their culture, their challenges and how we could turn negative employee experiences into a positive plan. We deployed customized leadership training and strategies and started with the higher levels of the company and worked our way down, to ensure that everyone was “rowing” in the same direction. I am proud to say that we decreased their turnover dramatically by not only giving their leaders tools but also made a positive impact.

What is your number one asset? People

You Make Decisions. We Make Them Work.